Welcome to SaveMi Project

Nowadays, everyone need Backup tools. A lot of people lost the data in their HDD which suddenly dies or is infected by a virus or after a bad manipulation. But, the needs change considering the user. For example, a professional will certainly use a versioning tool like SVN or CVS. A private individual will use a simple copy of its private documents on a CD or an external HDD.

But, as students, neither the versionning nor the simple copy seems a good solution to preserve our data. The versionning needs a server which contains a SVN/CVS server. It's too heavy for somebody who's mobile and has'nt always an internet acces. The copy on CDs has the advantage of being simple to use, but each new copy includes the content of the last one. It could become tiresome very fast.

It already exists incremental backup software, but most of them needs distant server and doesn't have Graphic User Interface.

Our solution

Our software try to answer to this problem. It's an incremental backup software. It includes a profile manager and a graphic interface.

INCREMENTAL - Don't backup already saved data. To spare available disk space, just the changed files are being saved.

EASY RESTORE - Restore only the files you need. Choose in the list and restore.

CROSS-PLATFORM - Our goal is to develop a multiplatform application, you could use in all your favourite operating systems. This will be possible in a future version (for now just Linux platform is supported).

Warning !

This software can't be use for production! Important bugs are remaining and we can't guarantee that all your data will be saved. If you want to try it, we suggest you to use the development version, available in the SVN repository.